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Sunday, March 18, 2012


Brilliant ! The Feno is a folding notebook. Typically we expect a hinge between the display and keyboard, but the Feno has an additional hinge within the display. This not only makes the size more compact but also explores future use of flexible OLED Screens. The pice de rsistance is the pop-out mouse ! just pop it out and you are good to go ! 

1 comment:

  1. I came up with this idea in 1998. At the time, the only processor capable of powering it was the Crusoe chip made by a company by the name of Transmeta. The foldable screen was the real problem, but is being worked on by Sony. Originally I did not come up with the pop out mouse, which I think is a great idea. However, all of the other features were included. My version, called S.M.A.R.T. (Student Mobile Assistant and Research Terminal) was intended for college students, so it was also connected to a campus wide emergency system. If opened, the emergency message would flash across the screen. If closed, a red light on the outside would flash, and the unit would repeatedly alarm until it was opened to see the message. I originally came up with the idea to do away with heavy, resource-wasting textbooks. The book publishers would collect fees each time the texts would be downloaded, keeping them in business. The unit would also dock into a home base in apartment/dorm for use with larger/additional screens and printer (I had not thought of wireless yet in 1998). When I originally came up with the idea I emailed it so some of the (then) top PC companies, like IBM, Dell, and HP.


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