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Monday, March 19, 2012


The history of computers and computer technology has been a long and a charming one, If we look back more than fifty years to the first primitive computing machines. These machines were massive and difficult affairs, consisting of row upon row of vacuum tubes and wires, Regularly encompassing many rooms to fit it all in.

Anybody who has looked at the world of computers recently can attest, the size of computers has been reduced sharply, yet the power of these machines has been increased at an exponential rate. In fact, the price of computers has come down so much that a lot of households now own not only one, but two, three or even more, PCs.

As the world of computers and computer technology continues to develop and modify, a lot of people, from science fiction writers and futurists to computer workers and ordinary users, have wondered what the future holds for the computer and related technologies. Several things have been pictured, from robots in the form of household servants to computers so small they can fit in a pocket. In fact, some of these predicted inventions have already come to pass, with the beginning of PDA’s and robotic vacuum cleaners.

Beyond these innovations, though, there are likely to be many, many more. One of the  major significant areas of research in the world of computers is that of artificial intelligence. When a lot of people think of artificial intelligence, they may picture fully aware machines, complete with emotions, and the problems that can happen from them. Therefore this remains the goal of many artificial intelligence researchers, in reality artificial intelligence technology is already in place and already serving the needs of humans everywhere.

One of the most powerful uses of artificial intelligence thus far is in the world of speech recognition. This significant technology is already in place in call centers, banks, brokerage centers, insurance companies and other businesses throughout the world. Meanwhile speech recognition is still imperfect, it has improved very much in recent years, and in the future many routine, and even non-routine, phone calls and telephone inquiries might be handle totally without human interference.

Robot technology has also moveed a long way, although it still has a long way to go. Robots in the future are belive to take human form, expect in a few specialized applications. In fact robots are likely to do a great deal of work that is simply too dangerous for humans to achieve. From spaceflight applications to search and rescue, robots are probably  to continue down the learning curve they have already entered, further enhancing human lives and providing valuable services for a fraction of the cost of today’s robot helpers.

Quantum computers are also likely to change the computing experience, for both business and home users. These powerful machines are already on the drawing board, and they will be in market soon. The quantum computer is predicted to be a massive jump forward in computing technology, with exciting implications for everything from scientific research to stock market predictions.

Nanotechnology is an another significant element of the future of computers, predicted to have a deep impact on people around the world. Nanotechnology is the procedure whereby matter is manipulated at the atomic level, providing the ability to “build” objects from their most basic parts. Like robotics and artificial intelligence, nanotechnology is already in use in several places, providing everything from stain resistant clothing to better suntan lotion. These advances in nanotechnology are probably will continue in the future, making this one of the most powerful aspects of future computing.

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